Waanyi Corp

Who are we?

About WAC

Waanyi Aboriginal Corporation aims to:

  • Empower the Waanyi Aboriginal people to overcome poverty, misfortune, destruction, disadvantage, distress, dispossession, and suffering.
  • Provide essential services and facilities such as housing, education, healthcare, transportation, and communication, to ensure a secure future for those who have been dispossessed.
  • Facilitate access to land under secure title, allowing for the preservation and sustainable management of vital natural resources.
  • Create opportunities for training and employment to uplift and empower the community.
  • Foster cultural practices and customs, preserving the rich heritage of the Waanyi Aboriginal people.
  • Strategically pursue investment opportunities to fund the charitable objectives of the corporation.

WAC has successfully built and managed sustainable businesses that will allow it to meet these aims.


With the formal closure of Century mine, WAC has now repositioned it’s business operations and investments including in Joint Ventures to ensure continuing success and contributions to the Waanyi Community will continue well beyond the closure of Century Mine.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.